of Nazareth 

Mental Health Counseling  

About Sarah

Contact Sarah :  610-504-7776

​Contact Steph:  484-373-9234

In establishing a positive therapeutic relationship that fosters opportunities for growth and change, the first step is building trust and connection. My goal is to help clients feel comfortable and at ease. I firmly believe that everyone is capable of attaining the happiness and peace they desire and deserve. It is within all of us to achieve this, and I see myself as a guide to help you explore these qualities within yourself.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

I practice Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) within my practice. CBT is a therapeutic approach where I assist patients in identifying the negative thoughts contributing to their distress. Together, we examine situations from different perspectives and work to transform negative thoughts into more positive ways of thinking. This approach has been proven to be highly effective in treating anxiety and depression.

Individuals with Anxiety and Depression

I have extensive experience working with individuals who are struggling with anxiety and depression. These conditions can be overwhelming and debilitating, affecting every aspect of a person's life. My approach is compassionate and individualized, focusing on understanding the unique experiences and challenges each person faces. Through a combination of therapeutic techniques, including CBT, I help clients develop coping strategies, improve their emotional regulation, and build resilience. My goal is to empower individuals to manage their symptoms effectively and achieve a better quality of life.

 Individuals with Acute Stress Disorder

I  specialize in working with individuals experiencing Acute Stress Disorder (ASD). This condition often occurs after a traumatic event and can lead to significant distress and impairment. My approach involves providing immediate support and stabilization, helping clients process the traumatic event, and developing effective coping strategies to manage symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and heightened anxiety. Using evidence-based interventions, I guide clients through the recovery process, aiming to prevent the progression to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and promote healing and resilience.


Since 2007, I have been studying and working with adolescents in various settings, including home-based, private practice, academia (middle school through post-secondary), physical rehabilitation, and community centers such as the Boys and Girls Club of Allentown. Adolescence can be a challenging time influenced by factors like peer relationships, school, home life, extracurricular activities, and personal history. I aim to explore these influencing factors and help adolescents identify and address their struggles in an emotionally healthy manner. I place high value on the trusting relationship I build with adolescent clients, as it plays a crucial role in the success of counseling for them.


To schedule an appointment, please call: 610-504-7776.