of Nazareth 

Contact Sarah :  610-504-7776

​Contact Steph:  484-373-9234

Mental Health Counseling  

Stephanie Falzone M.Ed

Nurturing and caring for yourself will help you lead a balanced and healthy life. Stress, unhappiness, and conflict can interfere with that balance and cause personal turmoil and strain relationships. Working together, we can identify strengths, visualize barriers as obstacles, cope with pain and internal struggles, recognize triggers, and move forward.
My practice focuses on treatment for early adolescents through adulthood with a special interest in athletic performance and sports psychology. Therapeutic approaches used in treatment include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), visualization and mindfulness, Motivational Interviewing, and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT).  

I am committed to a partnership that will provide opportunities for you to engage, challenge, and learn about yourself while investigating change at your comfort level. I look forward to getting to know you and are currently accepting clients. Click here to find out more about Stephanie!

Call/E-mail:          484-373-9234            stepahnie.p.falzone@gmail.com