Contact Sarah : 610-504-7776
Contact Steph: 484-373-9234
Return to Play or RTP is a group designed for athletes who are experiencing injuries or setbacks in their athletic career. Through group psychotherapy athletes will connect with other athletes, identify strengths, learn how to get the most out of their rehabilitation experience, and understand the psychological risk factors and psychologically informed interventions in reducing sports injury risk. To reserve your spot, register by email:
Each session will include an opening activity, discussion, and the practice of new skills.
When: Every Saturday in January, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Where: 25 E. Center Street, Conference Room 1st Floor
Cost: $20/session; Cash or credit card
Age: High School (9-12) and College Students (First Year - Senior)
Facilitated by Stephanie Falzone, M.Ed, Pre-Licensed Counselor, Certified in Sports Psychology
Supervised by Sarah Dinan, MS, NCC, LPC
Please contact Stephanie Falzone by phone 484-373-9234 or email with questions.
Return to Play (RTP) - Psychotherapy for Athletes Recovering from Injuries or Athletic Setbacks